
출처 : http://blog.koreadaily.com/view/myhome.html?fod_style=B&med_usrid=yejinhyang&cid=792061&fod_no=17



지금까지 이 세상 어떤 사전도 COMPLETE FINISHED의 차이를  적절히 설명하지는 못했다

그러나최근 세계적인 언어학자들이 모인 한 언어학 컨퍼런스(영국런던)에 참석한가이아나의 발고빈(Samsundar Balgobin)이란 학자가 그 차이를 설명하여 

참석자들로부터 엄청난 호응을 받았다.

그의 마지막 과제는 이러했다 : "사람들은 COMPLETE FINISHED의 의미에 

아무런 차이가 없다고 말합니다.

선생님께서 COMPLETE FINISHED의 차이를 이해하기 쉽게 설명해주실 수 있겠는지요?" 

그의 기상천외한 답변은 "옳은 여자를 만나 결혼하면 완결(COMPLETE).

옳지 않은 여자를 만나 결혼하면 끝장(FINISHED). 


그리고 옳지 않은 여자와 지내다가 옳은 여자에게 들키면 완전끝장(COMPLETELY FINISHED)!"

그의 답변에 크게 공감한 참석자들은 5분이 넘도록 기립박수와 갈채를 보냈다.

영어 원문 출처 : https://yougottobekidding.wordpress.com/2012/10/31/the-difference-between-complete-and-finished-2/

The Difference between Complete and Finished

No English dictionary has been able to adequately explain the difference between the two words.

In a recently held linguistic competition held in London, England attended by the best in the world, Samsundar Balgobin, a Guyanese man was the clear winner with a standing ovation lasting over 5 minutes.

Here is his answer which made him receive an invitation to dine with the Queen afterwards who decided to call him after the contest. He won a trip to travel the world in style and a case of 25 year old Eldorado rum for his answer.

His final question was this…

How to explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that is easy to understand. Some people say there is no difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED.

Here is his astute answer…

When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. And when you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED. And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED!


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